Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Generating LOTS of QR codes is easy in Google Spreadsheets!

Do you even NEED to create lots of QR codes for self-checking workstations, scavenger hunts, bulletin boards, etc? Jeanette did! Google spreadsheets made it so easy! We used a formula to generate columns of QR codes that then can be easily printed and used! Jeanette laminated the codes on this cute owl stationary and had a self-checking multiplication workstation in no time!
The formula is:

=image("https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=" & B2)

(when the information you what the QR code to disclose is in cell B2). Don't have the information in cell B2? You can change the formula to look to any cell you want!

Need more information than just access to the formula? Watch this brief video that walks you through the entire process that Jeanette used! I think you'll find using Google spreadsheets to generate your QR codes a real time saver!